Dinosaurs A to Z Videos

Dinosaurs A to Z Videos

Dinosaurs A to Z Videos
  • Bambiraptor

    Say hello to Bambiraptor, a small carnivorous dinosaur that weighed about as much as a chicken! This tiny dinosaur is pretty cute for a dinosaur with sharp teeth. Find out why this cute dinosaur was such an important discovery.

  • Cryolophosaurus

    Allow us to introduce you to Cryolophosaurus—”cold crested lizard.” Why do you think scientists gave it that name? Dr. Egerton shares the story of this extraordinary creature that was discovered in a place that might surprise you.

  • Edmontosaurus

    This duck-billed dinosaur could have lived to be larger than a school bus, weighing more than an elephant! Find out how Edmontosaurus specimens have helped scientists learn about what dinosaurs looked like millions of years ago. Did someone say dino mummies?

  • Futalognkosaurus

    Dr. Egerton introduces us to Futalognkosaurus—”giant chief lizard.” Find out all about this giant herbivore from Argentina. In what ways were these Cretaceous creatures similar to the Diplodocus? What ways were they different?

  • Gorgosaurus

    You might think that being top of the Late Cretaceous food chain meant Gorogosaurus had a pretty easy life. As Dr. Egerton explains all of the injuries found on the fossil at The Children’s Museum, you’ll come to a different conclusion!

  • Hypacrosaurus

    Hypacrosaurus—a duck-billed dinosaur like Edmontosaurus—has a hollow bony crest on its head. Why do you think they had these? Dr. Egerton shares some paleontologists’ theories about these adult Hypacrosaurus crests.

  • Iguanodon

    This spike-thumbed beast was one of the first dinosaurs to be named. As Dr. Egerton explains, scientists’ understanding of Iguanadon has gone through some significant changes since its discovery in the 19th century.

  • Jobaria

    This giant sauropod was discovered in the Sahara Desert. How could a dinosaur like Jobaria grow so big in the middle of a desert? Dr. Egerton explains how environments were different in the Jurassic Period.

  • Kentrosaurus

    Dr. Egerton introduces us to Kentrosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur with large plates along their back and spikes at the end of their tails. Why do you think they had all of these plates and spikes?

  • Leaellynasaura

    Meet “Laellyn’s Lizard,” a cute little dinosaur from southeastern Australia. Leaellynasaura had giant eyes for its size. Dr. Egerton shares why scientists think their eyes were so enormous.

  • Maiasaura

    Have you ever heard of Egg Mountain in Montana? Dr. Egerton explains how the discovery of Maiasaura fossils in Montana changed the way scientists thought about dinosaur behavior.

  • Neovenator

    Neovenator is a noteworthy dinosaur, discovered in England. Dr. Egerton explains how clues from its teeth and skull bones tell us how this theropod lived, and what it might have eaten!

  • Oviraptor

    The Oviraptor was an “egg thief.” Or was it? Dr. Egerton shares how our understanding of this feathered theropod has evolved over time. This has helped us know more about their descendants—birds!

  • Prenoceratops

    You might remember the (relatively) small Frannie the Prenoceratops from Dinosphere®. Dr. Edgerton shares some fascinating information about this ceratopsian dinosaur before you see her again in Creatures of the Cretaceous™ inside the new Dinosphere®!

  • Qantassaurus

    A dinosaur found in Australia that’s roughly the size of a kangaroo? Hop on over to learn more about this cute little dinosaur and discover how dinosaurs get their names!

  • Rapetosaurus

    Rapetosaurus was found on the island nation of Madagascar. They were moderately-sized sauropods. They were “only” as long as three cars and “only” weighed as much as two elephants!

  • Stegosaurus

    With two rows of plates that go down their backs and spikes at the end of their tails, Stegosaurus has been a fan-favorite since its discovery in the 19th century. Join Dr. Egerton as she shares why they have those plates and spikes to begin with.

  • Tyrannosaurus

    We’re big fans of Bucky, a teenage Tyrannosaurus. Dr. Egerton gives us the inside scoop on their hunting practices. Learn more about the most popular dinosaur before visiting them again in Creatures of the Cretaceous™ inside the new Dinospere®!

  • Utahraptor

    Dr. Egerton calls the Utahraptor the ultimate large raptor. With retractable claws that are larger than those of a lion, you might think that it’s a prehistoric predator that’s a perfect fit for a blockbuster film franchise. Now that you mention it…

  • Velociraptor

    Despite popular depictions in the media, Velociraptor was only around the size of a turkey. Dr. Egerton shares an amazing discovery about this fascinating—and often misrepresented—dromaeosaur.